
1h+kk , block of flats, 709 €/m, 32 m²

apartment rental, Espoo, Tuomarila, Kulovalkeankuja 2 B

Rental Espoo Tuomarila 1 room

Living close to the train station

Rental homes with light decor in Tuomarila

The apartment building in Kulovalkeankuja has two sections with 56 floors. The apartment layouts are clean and practical. The homes on the upper floors have a balcony or French balcony, while those on the ground floor have a private ground-level terrace. The spacious bathrooms have space and hookups for a washing machine, and some of the apartments have a private sauna.

Location: Espoo Tuomarila
Kulovalkeankuja 2 B, 02760 ESPOO
Rental type: apartment rental
Housing type: block of flats
Accommodation type: non-subsidised
Floor: 2/6
Vacancy: vacant immediately
Lease: until further notice
Description: 1h+kk
Number of rooms: 1 room
Construction year: 2010
Living area: 32 m²
Condition: not classified
Rental number: 1703144
Rent: 709 €/m
Deposit: 0 €
Water: 25 €/person/m
Information about costs: Security deposit 0€ in this apartment (for businesses, min. 1 months rent)
pets allowed: allowed
smoking allowed: not allowed
Further information: Tuomarila is located close to Espoo Centre and the border of
Kauniainen. There is a good selection of local services, a maternity
and child health clinic, day care centres and schools within walking
distance. Those into physical activity will be less than a kilometre
away from a swimming pool, indoor football facility and gyms. The
residential area is surrounded by the woodland areas of the Central
Park, and the lit recreational routes are ideal for walks, runs and
cross-country skiing. Tuomarila train station is within walking
distance and provides a ten-minute connection to Leppävaara and is
less than half an hour from the centre of Helsinki.
Name: Kiinteistö Oy Espoon Siniheinä
Energy class: D and Profinder provide the following list of services in the area:

Services nearby:
  • Bus stop Bussipysäkki Kulovalkea 240 mBus stop Bussipysäkki Tuomarilanrinne 241 mTrain station Juna-asema Tuomarila 263 mBus stop Bussipysäkki Tuomarilan asema 265 m
  • Alepa Kirstintie 693 mR-kioski Espoo Kauppakeskus Sello ulkokioski 883 mAlepa Tuomarila 980 mAlepa Suvela 1,15 km
  • HUS Helsingin yliopistollinen sairaala - Kliininen neurofysiologia A, Jorvin sairaala 1,44 kmHUS Helsingin yliopistollinen sairaala - Jorvin sairaalan laboratorio 1,52 kmHUS Helsingin yliopistollinen sairaala - Jorvin sairaalan röntgen 1,52 kmHUS Helsingin yliopistollinen sairaala - Kliininen fysiologia ja isotooppilääketiede, Jorvin sairaala 1,52 km
  • Espoon kaupunki - Jatulinniityn Ryhmäperhepäiväkoti 132 mEspoon kaupunki - Ryhmäperhepäiväkoti Suvituuli 612 mEspoon kaupunki - Tuomarilan Päiväkoti 701 mH & S International School Oy - Päiväkoti Tuomarilan Helmi 766 m
  • Kauniaisten kaupunki - Kauniaisten Lukio 1,31 kmEspoon kaupunki - Kuninkaantien Lukio 1,39 km
  • EBK-Honka Areena 485 mEspoon kaupunki - Keski-Espoon urheilupuisto / Beachvolleykenttä 575 mEspoon kaupunki - Keski-Espoon urheilupuisto / Tekonurmikenttä 575 mEspoon kaupunki - Keski-Espoon urheilupuisto / Tekonurmikenttä 2 575 m
  • Data is provided by Profinder. Distances to services are measured as straight lines on map.


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SATO Vuokraus / Helsinki
Panuntie 4, 00610 Helsinki

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Vakuuden määrä

Vakuutuksen hinta
7,09 € / month

Hae takausta


  • km
Hinta-arvio 240 - 380 €

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