
Parking space , 35 €/m,

other rental, Oulu, Kauppalinnankatu 1

Location: Oulu
Kauppalinnankatu 1, 90570 OULU
Rental type: other rental
Lease: until further notice
Description: Parking space
Total area: 12 m²
Rental number: 1759837
Rent: 35 €/m
Deposit: 35 EUR. Tilisiirtona vuokranantajan tilille.
This page may not contain all information of this rental property. Please check the information with the advertiser.


Jenni Rajamäki
Phone: 0458723221
AIKA LKV | Välityspalvelu N & M Oy LKV
Pakkahuoneenkatu 15, 90100 OULU
Phone: 0207983131

Interested? Contact me!