
2h+k , block of flats, 829 €/m, 53 m²

apartment rental, Vantaa, Martinlaakso, Raikukuja 4a F

Rental Vantaa Martinlaakso 2 rooms

Smooth everyday life in Martinlaakso

Rental homes for those who appreciate services and transport links

Raikukuja 4a is located close to The Ring Rail Line station in western Vantaa. Four-storey buildings A-B and C-D have been fully renovated to give them a fresh new look. The bright apartments have new fully tiled bathrooms and fresh, shiny kitchen units with quality appliances. These homes have a large and clearly laid out living room and the larger ones also a separate dine-in kitchen. All homes feature a sunny glassed-in balcony where you can create a potted-plant oasis or just sit back to enjoy a cup of coffee. Raikukuja 4a E-G seven-storey building has cosy apartments with clean and easily furnished layouts and large windows. All apartments including the smallest studios have a balcony.

Location: Vantaa Martinlaakso
Raikukuja 4a F, 01620 VANTAA
Rental type: apartment rental
Housing type: block of flats
Accommodation type: non-subsidised
Floor: 4/7
Vacancy: 5/1/25
Lease: until further notice
Description: 2h+k
Number of rooms: 2 rooms
Construction year: 1989
Living area: 53 m²
Condition: not classified
Rental number: 1194727
Rent: 829 €/m
Deposit: 0 €
Water: tenant pays
Information about costs: Measured
Security deposit 0€ in this apartment (for businesses, min. 1 months rent)
pets allowed: allowed
smoking allowed: not allowed
Further information: Built with plenty of space between buildings, Martinlaakso is a
district undergoing renewal and famous for its leafy areas for
outdoor recreation as well as good transport links. The train station
is within walking distance, and the services of Martinlaakso shopping
centre can be found next door to the station. Library, health station
and Kela office are also found nearby. In this child-friendly area
there are several day care centres and schools, including primary and
lower secondary as well as a general upper secondary and the Mercuria
Business School. Those into physical activity and spending time
outdoors will wind a diversity of routes as well as a lit
cross-country skiing track. A friend of culture, in turn, heads to
the culture house Martinus.
Name: Kiinteistö Oy Raikukuja II
Energy class: E and Profinder provide the following list of services in the area:

Services nearby:
  • Bus stop Bussipysäkki Louhelantie 63 mBus stop Bussipysäkki Louhelantie 100 mBus stop Bussipysäkki Vihertie 221 mBus stop Bussipysäkki Vihertie 231 m
  • R-kioski Vantaa Kauppakeskus Martinlaakson Ostari 272 mS-Market Martinlaakso 272 mKotipizza Helsinki Kauppakeskus Kaari 499 mAlepa Martinlaakso 533 m
  • Vantaan ja Keravan hyvinvointialue - Martinlaakson Terveysasema 374 mHUS Helsingin yliopistollinen sairaala - Kehitysvammalääketieteen poliklinikka 1,62 kmSuomen Terveystalo Oy - Terveystalo Myyrmäki Hammaslääkäripalvel 1,67 kmHUS-yhtymä - Hyks Myyrmäen Terveysasema 1,84 km
  • Vantaan kaupunki - Kukinpolun Päiväkoti 111 mVantaan kaupunki - Raikupolun Päiväkoti 111 mDagvårdsförening Fyndet rf - Familjedaghemmet Ingefära 297 mSininen Kuu Oy 311 m
  • Vantaan kaupunki - Martinlaakson Lukio 780 mVantaan kaupunki - Vaskivuoren Lukio 1,27 km
  • Vantaan kaupunki - Raikukujan luistelukenttä 44 mVantaan kaupunki - Raikukujan lähiliikuntapaikka 44 mVantaan kaupunki - Lähiliikuntapaikka Jokiuomanpuisto 310 mVantaan kaupunki - Kivimäen koulun lähiliikuntapaikka 408 m
  • Data is provided by Profinder. Distances to services are measured as straight lines on map.


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Vakuuden määrä

Vakuutuksen hinta
8,29 € / month

Hae takausta


  • km
Hinta-arvio 360 - 590 €

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