
Storage space , 100 €/m,

other rental, Tampere, Amuri, Kortelahdenkatu 22

Pieni toimisto/varastotila asuintalon kellarikerroksessa. Siisti ikkunallinen huone.

Location: Tampere Amuri
Kortelahdenkatu 22, 33230 Tampere
Rental type: other rental
Vacancy: vacant immediately
Lease: until further notice
Description: Storage space
Total area: 10 m²
Features: electricity, heating
Rental number: 1763704
Rent: 100 €/m
Payment day: 5. Pvä
Deposit: 200
This page may not contain all information of this rental property. Please check the information with the advertiser.


Asunto Oy Lommantalo
Kortelahdenkatu 22 A, 33230 Tampere
Phone: 050 655 39

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