unlimited time
100 % guarantee
If you do not find a tenant in any way within 8 weeks, we will refund you the price of rental advertisement. The guarantee is limited to private consumers and applies to flats and apartments. Holiday homes, plots, garages or storages are excluded from the guarantee. The rental announcement is required to have been continuosly published on Vuokraovi.com for 8 (eight) weeks to be applicable for the guarantee. If the rental is no longer visible on Vuokraovi.com, the refund application must be made within 30 days of passivation of the rental. The refund will be made within 30 days of receiving the guarantee form and the confirmation sent by our customer support. In case of a refund, the announcement will be removed from the service. Free announcements will not be refunded or reimbursed. The user does not have the right to reactivate the same announcement without a charge. The refund is applicable only to the price of the announcement and does not apply to additional purchases such as extra visibilities.